Amy is a grifter.

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This is one of the best introductions I've read, I'm looking forward to reading more. Keep fighting the good fight.

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"I am so sick of This Thing I've Chosen To Become Unhealthily Obsessed With" -The unbearable burden of being an odious cunt by Amy "Eileen" Hamm.

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Amy, have you read the 'Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders' research report by Correctional Service Canada? I'm looking forward to your Substack!

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

I hope substack will be a place where civilised discussion on the subject can take place, unlike Twitter.

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Have you ever considered not whining about things that don't affect you or anyone else in any way whatsoever, Amy?

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Black is not White, Dogs are not Cats. This should not be hard.

Fight hard, Amy.

The vast majority of us know you are right. A very noisy, rather nasty, minority cannot let that stand. We will beat them. Whatever you need, yell.

You can sense the turn. People are fed up with "gender ideology". The girls would like their own spaces thank you very much. Mr. Otter can stay the Hell out. (Thanks Eva.)

We're winning.

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Wow - I don't envy you with your lone battle, yet I imagine even in Canada there are a few people who've seen through all this bullshit and are willing to give you support. You're right - here in Scandinavia people are more sceptical and ready to be more open about being sceptical because freedom of speech is seemingly taken more seriously here than in Canada, and employers take no notice of busybody's from the general public who think they have some kind of moral prerogative to get people fired from their jobs by complaining about something an employee in their capacity as private citizen may have posted on Twitter. Two show cases in Norway over the past year have resulted in the cases being thrown out before reaching court. Sweden and Finland have resolutely applied the brakes on medically transitioning children and now do so only in exceptional cases and in a research setting and the Karolinska Institute even went so far as to report itself to the police for quacksalvery when it realised there is no quality evidence to back up the treatments they had been practicing for nearly a decade, and detransitioners were beginning to come to the surface with complaints of serious bodily harm as a result of transitioning. Sweden was probably also the first country to be able to document that not only does transitioning not reduce suicidal behaviour amongst trans youth but probably actually increases it.

So keep fighting Amy and know you are fighting the good cause, and that however clever the gender industry is at isolating people and making them feel they are alone in the fight, in fact you are among the huge majority who know all this is BS.

Consider emigrating if the courts strike you off - your skills will be welcome here in Denmark.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Wow love it have never had someone break it down so intensely. You make complete sense! Thank you

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