I like what you wrote and the distinction you made between the kinds of surgeries, as well as the immorality of Teen Vogue's attempt to promote her double mastectomy to teenagers.

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It saddens me that young girls are being manipulated into damaging their bodies for what is I believe in most cases a fad. Unhappy girls (teen vogue's market) think these procedures will alleviate their internal emotional suffering by appearing like/becoming their opposite sex or unsexed "true" selves.

I believe that a significant number of these teen girls who feel wrong inside indeed undergo these surgeries to look like how they feel inside. The intention is to look as ugly as they feel, because ugliness in their opinion is their "true self"

And on top of that they get a twisted boost to their self esteem. 'Aren't you brave to disfigure yourself in such a manner in a society that values "beauty" '

As someone who went through a period of intense self loathing after a traumatic event in my late teens it's exactly how I felt and what I would have undertaken given the opportunity. Instead I indulged in other forms of visible self harm.

No offense to cancer survivors whose mastectomy scars are indeed a badge of resilience.

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My comment was insensitive. But as you say, it was the showing of of her mastectomy and not her scars. That would have been quite a different story, i.e. a story of strength and resilience.

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For sure!

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Perfectly on point, Amy.

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Society should care when mentally ill people mutilate their bodies. Doctors say no when a 70-pound anorexic requests liposuction. Doctors say no when somebody (now) requests a lobotomy. Doctors say no to apotemnophiliacs who want to remove healthy limbs.

And there needs to be psychological screening for plastic surgery--reputable doctors do this anyway. If somebody has body dysmorphia, then the answer should be no. This is a medical industry scandal.

So when somebody says "I don't care what she does with her body because she's an adult, but stay away from kids!" it's a complete failure because the WHOLE POINT of "trans" is to target kids. They inevitably will target kids with everything they do because that has always been and always will be the goal. When a mentally ill adult mutilates her body, she will show it to children as an example for the "trans" agenda.

The floodgate has been opened when adults are allowed to do this. There is no letting out the flood only a couple of inches, and then drawing the line at children. Adults will be prevented from this because that is the only thing that will work. Otherwise, be prepared for lots of 14 year old girls with removed breasts.

There is no other option. The answer is no, to everyone and anyone, including adults. Adults can't get lobotomies or removal of healthy legs due to mental illness, and that is what this is.

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To disfigure a body by so called doctors is manifestly a crime and cannot be justified on medical grounds. Looking her, she obviously does not look very happy. She looks like a monster, only to be presentable in a freak show.

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I wouldn't call her a monster or a freak. There are plenty of women with those scars because of cancer. It's the glorification of the scars because of gender feelings that makes it "garish" to me.

If a cancer survivor was showing off her mastectomy scars, I would have a different visceral reaction to it. It would be a badge of strength and resilience.

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She is a woman struggling with mental illness, and she has been taken advantage of by a greedy and immoral medical industry, and she's being used by an agenda that exploits women like her. It's a sad state of affairs.

Doctors say no to all kinds of things, including when people can't pay. They said yes to this because of greed and social trends.

Mastectomy scars for breast cancer is different because it's not based on mental illness and it's chasing a goal that can be reached, in reality--cancer can be cured.

No female can be turned into a male. It's an unattainable goal, and it's based on delusion, mental illness, and medical corruption.

Furthermore, the "trans" agenda will always target children. The short-term goal is pedophilia. It cannot be contained to adults. That's why the answer always has to be no. Nothing else will work.

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My heart grieves for these young people disfiguring their bodies, both the men and the women. I feel only sorrow when I look at Ellen Page's eyes. She was such a beautiful and talented young actress. I don't know much about Liv Hewson, but it's just as tragic.

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There are a growing number of individuals who now regret having their breast or genitals modified. These actions are irreversible and restrict the ability to perform the most basic of human existence - reproduction. It is essential that everyone who wishes to go down this path needs physiological assessment by two different doctors. They must understand that the appearance as the opposite sex, does not change your biological sex. That you are on a lifetime of suppression drugs, or your hairs will start growing/diminishing .

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LH does not seem to mind posing in front of a Fox backdrop.in a couple of years , when the wrinkles emerge and the acting job is replaced with promo ads for a dishwasher, she might regret those full chested ‘people who menstruate ‘ attracting attention and babies look up at Mom and ask where’s the milk?

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