Jun 25Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Amy you are my heroine. A RN off work after a punch to my head by male Psyc client I have ptsd. My life as I knew it is over. YOU ARE an inspiration to this GC 58 yr woman in NZ. please know you are letting the light shine on our captured controlled profession. Thankyou.

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Thank you Deb. ❤️ I’m so sorry that you were brutally assaulted while giving care. Psych is a very dangerous area for nurses these days.

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Jun 25Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Keep up the good necessary work XXX

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Jun 25Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Happy to donate what little I am able. The Christian overtones of everything, put me off, but I plugged my nose. I am putting all my "cosmic" energy into getting the correct judgement in your case. The world has gone mad. Many people are voting Conservative in Canada ONLY because of the gender issue and I fear for the future for us all.

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Thank you! 🙏🏻

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It might seem strange that people would vote based on this one issue alone but in a way it makes sense. If they can lie about something so fundamental to our existence, they can lie about everything.

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Don't think about everyone who is counting on you, especially the ones in opposition to you who do not even know how much your case is needed to win. There should be 2 awards in Nursing, The Florence Nightingale and The Amy Hamm, one to create repute, the other to restore it.

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Let’s do it! Amy gets the original which is now in her name: The. Amy Hamm award.

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

If this is a new award set, she should get the Nightingale one for repute to profession

and the other nurses who speak out, get the Amy hamm award

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Amy you are a hero. Reality will eventually reassert itself.

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

I SO needed to hear this! Fighting the good fight is frikin hard, I feel yah. Im fighting right now in my progressive community and I gotta say it doesn’t feel good to be called a bigot over and over. Standing up and speaking up, sticking one’s neck out ain’t easy, it’s hard and it hurts but it has to be done.

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Give 'em hell. 😉🙂 But you're to be commended for your principled stand -- may your tribe increase. Though I certainly hope that those at the BC College of Nurses and Midwives adjudicating your case are eventually able to read the writing on the wall before passing judgement.

But relative to your link to the Texas Children’s Hospital article from Christopher Rufo, I and more than a few others have objected to his too easy use of "sex-change procedures":


Even Rufo conceded that that is "impossible", although he's continued to use it in later posts -- to which I and a few others have objected:



But it seems that, from that last "doctor" article, the "Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual" explicitly says that "Sex change operations" are NOT one of the "benefits of Texas Medicaid" (pgs. 54-57; section 1.11):


Presumably such procedures are still available if one pays for them? Sure would like to read a journal article describing some transwoman's change of sex from male to female, and "her" subsequent conception of a fetus from "her" own ovaries, and subsequently giving birth to the resulting baby. Whether it was covered by Texas Medicaid or not ... 🙄

That is the ubiquitous scientific illiteracy that is part and parcel of the whole transgender clusterfuck. Rather disconcerting that far too many in the medical and biological communities are charter members of that cohort of illiterates.

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I so hear you. Went through a 5-year legal battle of my own over a false accusation that I had to do the same with. You are doing the right thing taking care of yourself 💙

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It saddens me so much to see the incredible burden you have to carry, and that you have so bravely taken on. Even if you feel you will not get justice ( I think you will ) , in the end you will have won. In fact, you already have by standing up to your governing body's bullying and unfair actions. I admire you greatly and, by the way , I have just suscribed to your Substack. Bravo et merci Amy.

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Thank you so much ❤️

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Amy even if you give up on justice, justice will not give up on you.

I totally understand the psychological need to just let go, and completely support it. But life is long and you absolutely will see the day when it's actually difficult to explain to people what even happened in your case.

"so there was this nurse, see, and she said biology was important, see, and so- well, okay - so, um, then, what happened was, her union investigated her at great expense, and put her on trial over years at TREMENDOUS expense, and at the *time* many people thought that this was a sane thing to have happen, yeah, no, really. you can look it up. Actually took place in Canada in the 2020s"

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Amy your ‘ case ‘ was a four day not four years marathon. The BCCNM have deliberately caused you financial pain and wasted the resources of your lawyer. Inoperative Amy that in an United / BC Cons govt, the actions of the Nurses union will be exposed.In the eyes of many, you won by exposing the dogma that exists there.

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Amy, your articles often call to mind scriptures from the Bible. Mostly because the plight against injustice is such a recurring theme throughout the Old and New Testament. Here’s one of Jesus’ parables that I hope brings you encouragement:

“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’ ” Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬-‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

God wants to fight for you if you will let Him. 🙂

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

‭‭I Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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Jun 26Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Thank you for this.

I haven’t done anything nearly as courageous as you. But I’m in here, trying to pick my battles and make a small difference where and when I can.

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Jun 25Liked by Amy Eileen Hamm

Where can we financially support

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Thank you! I will likely have a fundraiser sometime in the next few months, when I can actually reveal what legal steps I’ll be taking.

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